Natural Resource Management Department Message
Welcome to the Natural Resource Management Department, Natural Resources are the air we breathe, the soil we walk on, the water we drink, the plants we eat and enjoy, the wind that blows, the animal life surrounding us, and the sun that warms our world. Without natural resources, life itself is impossible. The currently trained manpower of the country in the area of Natural Resource Management and the issue of sustainable resource utilization necessitates building the capacity of the country in the field of Natural Resource Management. Starting from 2001-2011 GC, 1158 students graduated with a diploma level in Natural Resource Management, and starting from 2011-2022 GC, 1444 students graduated with Level-IV in Natural Resource Management. This quenches the thirst of the country as a whole and society in particular in the Natural Resource Management Sector.
As one of the popular and well-experienced higher institutions in the country, Agarfa ATVET College has paid paramount consideration to the concern-worthy issue of protection, conservation, management, and development of the Natural Resources of the country in general and the surrounding intervention area in particular. The vision of the Natural Resource Department is to train professionally skilled, socially responsible human power, conduct demand-driven research, and render community services in Natural Resource Management to the country.
Girma Biru, Head Department of Natural Resource Management
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